We strongly believe that meeting intentionally and regularly is important to the growth and life of a Christian. Since God designed us for relationships, we believe it is through the connections made in small groups that God will help us grow. Connect groups are where we can meet together and have a great time of prayer, teaching, and living life together. If you are interested in joining a Connect group or finding out more about them contact the church office.

Drop In
Drop in for a cuppa and a chat between 10 and 11am Tuesdays and Thursdays.

River Walk
Join us for a walk by the river between 11 and 12pm every Thursday (weather permitting) leaving from the church car park.

Linda Jones Retirement Village – We take a service there once a month.

BUPA Services – We have a good relationship with the BUPA St Andrews Care Home. We visit residents; residents come to our church services, and we take services in the Care Home.  Click here to find out more!

Homegroup on Tuesday nights at 7pm.  Please contact Michael 027 506 2300.

Exercise Classes

Strong and Stable – 9.30-10.30 Friday mornings for only $5 per session.

Low Impact – 10.45-11.30 Friday mornings for only $4 per session. The classes are for those who would like to BStrong, Bfit & BStable as they gain strength and balance. The seated and standing exercises are suitable for all levels.i


Bible Study / Courses

Tuesdays 7pm.  Please contact the office about this and other options.


Affordable Produce – $15 packs of quality vegetables, and $25 meat packs (5pcs) can be ordered from the church office before 12pm each Wednesday. Tel. (07) 849 5104.

Collection between 10am and 12:30pm on Thursdays.  Cash or Eftpos.

Garden Club – Meet last Friday of each month between 1 and 3pm.  Different speakers on all things gardening.  Demonstrations. Sales Table.  Birthday flowers.  Raffles. Afternoon tea.  Contact Glennys Brown  Tel. 8555-158